Bearing in mind that I don't eat fish or eggs I was going to take quite a few 'emergency' rations. If you have any ideas about this please chip in. I reckon that dried pasta would keep as well as instant mashed potato???
You've still got connections with the bootnecks right? The M.O.D. Rat packs (especially the Arctic ones) are perfect for this kind of trip. You can stuff them into any corner spare in a backpack or panniers (sidecars must be a joy for this) and they contain all you need in the way of vitamins etc. Some menus are crap but make sure you have a good variety as there's nothing worse that eating the same bloody menu day in day out! I wonder if you can twist someone's arm at Pusser's QM?
P.S. If they're still offering Primula cheese.....don't eat it!